Mental Health: Global Challenges Journal ISSN 2612-2138
Systematic review to explore the effect of yoga on
anxiety in adults
Mr Mehmet Deveci, Mr Antony Laban-Sharman, Dr Rebecca Laban-Sharman
Faculty of Sport, Allied Health & Performance Sciences, St. Mary’s University, London, United Kingdom
Introduction: The National Health Service cannot chronically sustain the overwhelming demands
being placed on it due to financial cuts, staff numbers and recent presence of Covid-
19. As a
result, anxiety levels are on the rise thus increasing the need for effective first-line treatment.
Purpose: The purpose of this systematic review was to examine the efficacy of yoga as a first-line
treatment for anxiety. Previous systematic reviews have produced mixed results.
Methodology: The inclusion criteria followed the PICO research statement. The popula
tion (P)
were either healthy or diagnosed with anxiety and the intervention (I) was yoga. The comparison
(C) was a control group, or CBT, or used a pre-and post-
intervention design. The outcome (O)
was the change in the level of anxiety post-intervention.
Results and Discussion: After the review of 64 studies, 7 studies fit the inclusion criteria: four
randomized controlled studies, one longitudinal study, and two pre- and post-intervention
comparisons. All the studies included provided statistically signif
icant results for the beneficial
effect of yoga on anxiety.
Conclusion: This study adds to preceding literature on the current anxiety levels of adults and the
potential utility of yoga as a first-line treatment for self-management of anxiety levels. This review
stresses the issue of heterogeneity, mode of yoga and calls for more robust randomised
controlled trials to pioneer the subject matter to help, if not prevent, to slow down the rising cases
of anxiety and ill mental health worldwide.
Anxiety, Mental Health, Yoga, Systematic Review, Adults
Address for correspondence:
Mr Antony Laban-Sharman, Postal Address: St. Mary’s University, Twickenham, TW1
4SX, E-mail:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 International
License (CC BY-NC 4.0).
©Copyright: Laban-Sharman, 2023
Publisher: Sciendo (De Gruyter)
Submitted for publication: 04
January 2023
Revised: 04 March 2023
Accepted for publication: 06
March 2023
Mental Health: Global Challenges Journal ISSN 2612-2138
According to the “Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders V” (DSM V) anxiety
disorders that are divided into subtypes all of
which are characterised by excessive worrying
about events and situations over a period of six
months and occurring on more days than not
(American Psychiatric Association, 2013).
Neuroimaging studies have demonstrated that
those with anxiety demonstrated increased activity
in the amygdala, interior insula and areas of the
prefrontal cortex and decreased activity in some
areas of the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex. The
result is an increased sensitivity to negative
events and more effortful cognitive reappraisal of
an event (Buhle et al., 2013; Gorka et al., 2019;
Groenewold et al., 2013). Anxiety disorders are
one of the two most common mental illnesses
globally and are most prevalent among those in
the 20 to 39 age group and among women.
Worldwide, anxiety disorders were ranked eighth
among mental disorders with respect to years
lived with disability and the twenty-fourth leading
cause of disability-adjusted life years (Ferrari et
al., 2022). Anxiety has been associated with
poorer physical health, a decreased tendency to
engage in healthy behaviours, and an increased
tendency to engage in unhealthy behaviour
(Hearon et al., 2014; Morissette et al., 2007;
Sareen et al., 2005). Subtypes of anxiety
frequently overlap and are frequently comorbid
with other mental conditions. For example,
generalised anxiety disorder is frequently
comorbid with depression (Bandelow & Michaelis,
2015). In a systematic review, Horenstein and
Heimberg (2020) determined that anxiety, in
particular the generalised anxiety disorder, was
associated with a greater utilisation of healthcare
resources. In summary, anxiety is a common
mental disorder, associated with a reduced
number of years spent in good health, and a
burden on healthcare delivery.
Yoga has different forms and the ones most
frequently offered in the western world are Yin,
Kundalini, Vinyasa, and Hatha yoga (Khalsa,
2004). Yin, Kundalini, and Hatha yoga are slower
paced with pauses between poses whereas
Vinyasa is a more vigorous activity without pauses
(Khalsa, 2004). Yoga is a practical as well as a
spiritual practice that focuses on breathing
techniques and postures that are believed to bring
the mind and body into union (Khalsa, 2004). The
suspected biomechanism in yoga is a deep
relaxation achieved by a modification of the
autonomic nervous system and the hypothalamic
pituitary axis (Anand et al., 1961; Benson, 1975).
Previously, yoga was regarded as an alternative
and complementary therapy in the west. Now
yoga is being examined as a cost-effective first-
line therapy for anxiety (Kirkwood et al., 2005).
The fact that the physical and mental benefits of
yoga are now generally accepted is evidenced by
the National Health Service endorsement of yoga
on their website (NHS, 2021). The effect of yoga
on anxiety has become the subject of formal
systematic literature reviews, e. g. Cramer et al.
(2018), Khalsa (2004), Kirkwood et al. (2005), and
Volbehr et al. (2018).
Research on Yoga and Anxiety
Cramer et al. (2018) conducted a systematic
review and meta-analysis on eight randomised
controlled trials and concluded that yoga could be
an effective intervention for anxiety disorders or
elevated anxiety, but the evidence was
inconclusive. Further, an explanation of a
biomechanical mechanism was lacking. No effects
were found for participants who had been
diagnosed with an anxiety disorder in accordance
with the DSM-V guidelines (American Psychiatric
Association, 2013). Supportive evidence was
found only for those with elevated anxiety and
without a formal diagnosis or diagnosed by means
other than the DSM-V. Some forms of yoga were
specified, e. g. Vinyasa, Agni (meditative), but
most were unspecified. Volbehr et al. (2018)
conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis
of 18 studies. The inclusion criteria were studies
on Hatha yoga and participants with a formal
diagnosis of an acute or chronic mood disorder
and/or anxiety disorder in accordance with the
guidelines of the DSM V or earlier editions, or the
International Classification of Disease 10
(American Psychiatric Association, 2013; World
Health Organization, 1993). The authors found
that Hatha yoga was not effective for anxiety
disorders and that the results were equivalent to
control groups or treatment as usual groups.
Other factors to be considered in a systematic
review of the effect of yoga on anxiety are
comorbidities. Anxiety disorders and depression
are frequently comorbid, which makes the
assessment of anxiety as an independent factor
difficult (Ionescu et al., 2013). Also, most recent
research focuses on the effect of yoga on anxiety
in a clinical population with a specific disease,
such as cancer and Parkinson (Hardoerfer &
Jentschke, 2018; Kwok et al., 2019). Overall, the
systematic reviews and meta-analyses concluded
that the results are weak for the effects of yoga on
anxiety. The investigators stated that the
inconclusive results could be due to the inclusion
of studies that lacked: (1) adequate methods, (2)
consistent means of diagnosis, (3) diagnosis at
baseline, and (4) adequate description of yoga
practice (Cramer et al., 2018; Kirkwood et al.,
2005; Vollbehr et al., 2018). Cramer et al. (2018)
commented that in-depth systematic reviews and
meta-analyses are hampered by the sheer lack of
volume of yoga and anxiety studies, a high risk of
bias arising from methodology issues such as
Mental Health: Global Challenges Journal ISSN 2612-2138
variations in blinding and lack of participant
randomising, and the lack of control groups.
This systematic review attempts to fill some of
the above gaps by including studies that had
adequate research designs, specified the type of
yoga intervention, and included only participants
who were healthy or had a diagnosis of anxiety at
baseline. The objective of the study is to perform
a systematic review of recent literature to assess
the evidence for the effect of yoga practice as a
first-line therapy for anxiety. The rationale of the
study is to determine if yoga practice should be
recommended as part of a low-cost self-care
regime for adults.
The following databases were used to identify
studies on anxiety and yoga: PubMed, Cochrane
Library, British Medical Journal, and
ScienceDirect. As the search tools differed by
database, they are described individually.
PubMed’s advanced search function allowed a
Boolean algorithm to filter by words in the title and
abstract. The following terms were entered:
anxiety AND yoga, NOT depression, NOT
children, NOT meditation. NOT depression was
specified in the title and abstract search because
anxiety and depression are frequently comorbid
and studied together. This review wanted to
assess the effect of yoga on anxiety alone.
Further filters included publication date of 2019 to
the present and in English. The search identified
78 records. An additional search of the results
filtered by clinical trial, randomised controlled trial,
and the availability of a full text reduced the
number of records to 11. The Cochrane Library
has a database that includes only studies that are
clinical trials. The advanced search keywords
used were anxiety AND yoga, NOT children, NOT
depression. The search was further filtered by a
publication date range of January 2019 to January
2022. The search identified 46 studies. The
ScienceDirect database allowed a search by
keywords, publication date range, and article type.
The search terms yoga AND anxiety NOT
depression, date range of 2019 to 2022, filtered
by research type article yielded 23 results. For the
British Medical Journal database, the keyword
was generalised to yoga with an expanded
publication date between 2017 and 2022 and
limited to research articles. The search yielded
two studies. The next step was to eliminate the
duplicates from a total of 135 articles, which left
64. The method is outlined according to the 2009
PRISMA flow diagram in figure 1.
Exclusion and Inclusion Criteria
The eligibility requirements were based on the
PICO formula (Population, Intervention,
Comparison, Outcome). The population selected
was healthy adults or adults with a primary
diagnosis of anxiety and age 18 years or above.
The intervention was yoga practice. The
comparison was either a control group, or a pre
and post-intervention assessment of anxiety. The
outcome is a change in the level of anxiety as
measured by a validated anxiety scale or
symptom inventory. Other inclusion criteria were
publication date of 2019 or later, in the English
language, and a full text was available. An
exception was made for publication date for
articles in the BMJ database as few records were
located. Studies were excluded if the methods
were poor, the participants were children or were
recruited from a clinical population, e. g.
participants with cancer or Parkinson’s. The
Critical Appraisal Skills Programme was used in
the assessment of the studies and in the
formatting of the study synthesis (CASP, 2020).
Table 1. Synthesis of Studies
Main Findings
Mental Health: Global Challenges Journal ISSN 2612-2138
s et al.
500 adults
over the
age of 60
from the
general public
score of
26 on Penn
Aim: Compare the efficacy
of CBT and Hatha yoga on
worry, anxiety, and sleep and
to determine if preference for
CBT or yoga modified the
Design: Randomised
controlled trials.
Intervention: Group Hatha
3 arms. 250 Ss were
randomised to either CBT
intervention or a yoga trial.
The remaining Ss chose
whether to enter the CBT (n
= 120) or yoga intervention
(n = 130).
Method: anxiety
assessed with Patient-
Reported Outcomes
Information System
(PROMIS®), anxiety
Anxiety assessed pre-
at week 6, week 11, and week
Logistic regressions
controlled for age,
psychotropic medication,
race. For the randomised
trial, both groups showed
reduced anxiety symptoms
However, there was no
statistically significant
differences between the yoga
and CBT groups for change
in anxiety score. CBT and
yoga interventions did not
differ by anxiety score in the
preference group. There were
no differences in anxiety
reduction between the
randomized groups and when
Ss chose their intervention
Strengths: large sample
size. Follow-up
assessment Limitations:
In this age bracket, Ss had
comorbidities such as
hypertension, diabetes,
depression, anxiety, heart
disease. Logistic
regression analyses
controlled for
comorbidities, but they could
have an impact on the agility
needed for yoga. Over 80%
of Ss were women.
Lemay et
al. (2021)
adults. N
= 20.
Age 18 to 66.
Aim: Assess the effect of a
6-week Yin yoga class plus
guided meditation on stress
perception, anxiety, and
mindfulness skills.
Design: quasi-experimental.
Pre- and Post-intervention
assessments. Intervention:
Yin yoga plus guided
Compared to baseline, scores
showed a statistically
significant reduction in
anxiety, stress, and
mindfulness skills at post-
intervention, at 3 months,
and 6 months.
Strengths: Ss
demonstrated the
increasing benefit of
yoga over 4 points in
Limitations: No control
group. Small sample size. 14
of the 20 Ss had prior
experience with yoga and
meditation. Some Ss
practiced as
home as well. Neither the
Mental Health: Global Challenges Journal ISSN 2612-2138
Following the duplicates being removed, the
number of articles was reduced from 135 to 64.
Consequently, these 64 journal articles went
through screening as of the abstract and title
where 46 were excluded and 20 continued to
remain and be fully assessed. Thereafter, with a
full assessment using the CASP tool, 7 fully
eligible studies were included in the systematic
review and the procedure for this is conveyed
below (Figure 1). Furthermore, a complete
synthesis of studies is also displayed below
(Table 1)
Figure 1. PRISMA flow chart of search results
Summary of the Results
The details of the studies are included in Table
1. The studies varied in their level of evidence.
Four studies were randomised controlled trials,
one was longitudinal, and two were quasi-
experimental. All the studies included in the
systematic review indicated that most yoga styles
common in the west showed promise as a first-
line therapy for anxiety for healthy adults and
those diagnosed with anxiety. Different styles of
yoga were represented in the review Hatha,
Yin, Kundalini, and Vinyasa. Four studies had
healthy participants and three studies had
participants with a diagnosis of anxiety in
accordance with the DSM V (American Psychiatric
Association, 2013). One of the eligibility criteria of
the Phaniskar and Mullen (2022) study was the
self-reporting of three or more symptoms on the
Generalised Anxiety Scale of the DSM V. Pre-
intervention mean scores of anxiety for the yoga
group were provided but the standard deviation
was quite high (mean 8.28, SD 4.15). Therefore,
some of the participants could have had high
levels of anxiety. Not all yoga styles were an
effective treatment for anxiety. Marshall et al.
(2020) compared two forms of yoga, Hatha and
Vinyasa, and found that Hatha yoga reduced
anxiety symptoms, but Vinyasa yoga did not.
Their results suggested that the style of yoga
could influence the effect of the practice on
anxiety. Two studies compared yoga with CBT for
the first-line therapy for anxiety (Brenes et al.,
2020; Simon et al., (2020). The findings of Simon
et al. (2020) suggested that Kundalini yoga was
as effective as CBT but not better than CBT.
Brenes et al. (2020) found that yoga was as
effective as CBT among older adults. The
evidence for the long-term effects of yoga on
anxiety symptoms were not clear. Lemay et al.
(2021) and Simon et al. (2020) examined the
long-term effects of yoga on anxiety with follow-up
assessments. In three- and six-month follow-up of
the effect of Yin yoga on anxiety, Lemay et al.
(2021) found that, compared to pre-intervention
scores, anxiety levels showed a statistically
significant reduction. However, the authors did not
mention how or if Yin yoga was practiced in the
follow-up periods. Simon et al. (2020) had two
interventions, CBT and Kundalini yoga, and a
control group. Compared to pre-intervention
scores, at post-intervention, both CBT and
Kundalini yoga produced a statistically significant
at reduction in anxiety. At a six- month follow-up,
the CBT group showed statistically significant
reductions in anxiety levels. However, the yoga
group anxiety scores were equivalent to the
control group. Except for Brenes et al. (2020),
none of the studies included individuals with
comorbidities. Also, Brenes et al. (2020) was the
only study that focused on adults aged 60 and
over, an age group in which a higher level of
comorbidities would be expected. In this large
randomised controlled study (n = 500), the
investigators compared the efficacy of CBT and
yoga on worry and anxiety. Worry and anxiety
were assessed as independent outcomes.
Logistic regressions controlled for potential
interactions between comorbidities and anxiety. A
subgroup analysis revealed that CBT produced
better results than yoga for participants with
comorbid depression. No conclusions could be
drawn on the safety of yoga as an intervention as
five of the seven studies did not report adverse
events. Brenes et al. (2020) and Simon et al.
(2020) reported adverse events, but the events
were not related to the interventions
The findings for the effect of yoga on anxiety
remain mixed. The common factor in
compromising the findings of systematic studies
for this study and previous research on yoga are
small sample sizes and the inclusion of studies
with poorer levels of evidence, e. g. Cramer et al.
(2018), Kirkwood, et al. (2005) and Volbehr et al.
(2018). The explanations provided by Cramer et
al. (2018) and Volbehr et al. (2018) for the
inconclusive results were the limited number of
Mental Health: Global Challenges Journal ISSN 2612-2138
studies on yoga and anxiety, lack of a clear
diagnostic criteria, lack of diagnosis at baseline,
lack of independent evaluators and blinding of
evaluators, heterogeneity of yoga practice, and
inadequate description of yoga practice. This
review was able to address some of the gaps, but
not all. The research of Cramer et al. (2018) and
Volbehr et al. (2018) included more studies, but
most of the studies included suffered the common
problem of yoga studies and that is small sample
size that limits the credibility of the results. Three
of the studies included in this review have
reasonable sample sizes: Brenes et al. (2020) (n
= 500), Simon et al. (2020) (n = 230) and Telles et
al. (2019) (n = 320). The statistically significant
effectiveness of yoga was demonstrated across
the smaller and larger sample sizes. Three of the
studies included participants diagnosed with
anxiety and the diagnostic criteria were clearly
stated (Brenes et al., 2020; Phaniskar & Mullen,
2022; Simon et al., 2020). The findings indicated
that yoga was equally effective on those
diagnosed with anxiety and a healthy population.
As Cramer et al. (2018) and Volbehr et al.
(2018) commented, results are inconclusive due
to lack of rigorous research designs. This review
suggested that yoga was effective regardless of
the sample size or research design. Both Lemay
et al. (2021) and Sulastri et al. (2021) used quasi-
experimental designs and had small sample sizes,
but the results were statistically significant.
Credibility of the current review was enhanced by
only including studies with validated anxiety
assessment scales, i. e. Beck Anxiety Inventory,
StateTrait Anxiety Inventory, Hamilton Anxiety
Rating Scale. An exception was Simon et al.
(2020) who used a Clinical Global Impression of
Improvement scale (CGI-I) conducted by an
independent evaluator. The CGI-I is commonly
used in psychiatry and has been validated
(Forkmann et al., 2011).
The evidence for the efficacy remains
inconclusive. While this review found that except
for Vinyasa, yoga had a beneficial effect on
anxiety, Cramer et al. (2018) and Volbehr et al.
(2018) did not. Therefore, yoga as a first-line
therapy should be recommended with caution.
With respect to future research directions, this
review confirms the conclusion drawn by Cramer
et al. (2018) and Volbehr et al. (2018) that more
well- designed studies with larger samples are
needed. Other issues in need of further
examination are the impact of yoga on different
types of anxiety and different levels of anxiety.
Kirkwood et al. (2005) found that yoga was
effective with specific types of anxiety, such as
obsession compulsive disorder and snake anxiety,
and suggested that research that focussed on
specific types of anxiety might produce clearer
Limitations and Strengths of the
Limitations of the Study
As mentioned above, Cramer et al. (2018)
stated that systematic reviews and meta-
analyses on yoga and anxiety tend to have a
higher risk of bias, and this systematic review is
no exception. Few studies have been published
between 2017 and 2022 that fit the criteria of the
PICO statement and the sample sizes were small.
Participant blinding is not possible in a yoga class.
Three of the studies were nonrandomised and
had no control groups (Lemay et al., 2021;
Sulastri et al., 2021; Telles et al., 2019). As with
previous systematic reviews, the current study
includes research with varying levels of evidence
and small sample sizes. Yoga is an ancient multi-
dimensional practice and encompasses practical
aspects, such as breathing techniques and poses,
and more spiritually oriented aspects, such as the
underlying philosophy, that are not as easily
quantifiable. The content of the yoga classes was
not always well- described and, in any case,
would vary by instructor. The studies that included
long term data did not specify how and if yoga
was practiced during the follow-up periods. Except
for Telles et al. (2019), women were over-
represented in the studies. All the above
limitations compromise the generalisability of the
There are not enough well-designed studies on
the effect of yoga on anxiety to draw conclusive
evidence. The results could be improved if the
heterogeneity of anxiety type and yoga form were
better addressed. For example, studies that
included only Hatha yoga and the sample only
included those diagnosed with obsessive-
compulsive disorder, could produce clearer
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that they have no conflicts
of interest.
Special thanks goes to Mr Antony Laban-
Sharman and Dr Rebecca Laban-Sharman, for
their unpraralled support, expertise and counsel
throughout this study
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