The Mental health between epigenetics and individual beliefs




mental health, cell behavior, epigenetic approach, beliefs


Mental health is an integrative concept that is not limited to dysfunctions or accentuations of psychic processes or mechanisms of thought. The research effort focused on the idea that mental health is a functional optimum found at the intersection of cellular behavior, the physical environment, the external environment, with all its subtypes, the environment in which the individual manifests itself and the subjective, psychological environment, dominated mainly by unconscious behavioral routines, beliefs, values, and ultimately individual perspective on life. Mental health represents and manifests itself as an emerging process resulting from the correlated functioning of the biological, physiological, and in particular cellular mechanisms, the various, random and / or permanent influences and stimuli of the physical, social and professional environment and the superior motivational structures of the type of beliefs and individual perspective on life. Epigenetics is a contemporary discipline derived from genetics that includes the environmental context as an important part of heredity. Currently, this discipline strongly influences a variety of areas, including medicine, psychiatry and psychology.


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How to Cite

Dramnescu, M. (2019). The Mental health between epigenetics and individual beliefs. Mental Health: Global Challenges Journal, 1(1), 20–24.


